International Editions

International Editions & Press

United Kingdom

  • Another Day in the Frontal Lobe was published as hardcover in the UK under a different title, Brain Matters: Adventures of a Brain Surgeon.
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  • The paperback edition was published in the UK in February, 2007, under the original American title.
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  • Brain Matters was selected as a Book of the Week on BBC Radio 4, and was included in the premier literary event, the Guardian Hay Festival, 2006, where Katrina Firlik participated in a panel alongside noted American author, Sebastian Junger. She was interviewed on BBC radio by Simon Mayo and on BBC International.
Katrina signing books at the famous Guardian Hay Book Festival.
Evening Standard Review, UK


  • Katrina was featured in Australia’s Readers Digest HealthSmart magazine, Autumn, 2007 (our Spring)

Taiwan and China

  • The Chinese translation was published May, 2007